What is eResearch NZ?
For the last 15 years, the eResearch NZ conference series has provided an important national forum for strategic discussions, community building, and career development. eResearch NZ brings together communities who are exploring or innovating the ways digital tools and techniques can be used to advance research outcomes.
Through presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, the eResearch NZ conference aspires to:
- Showcase innovative work-in-progress or recent project results where digital tools were applied.
- Highlight current and emerging priorities, trends, and best practices in eResearch approaches.
- Provide opportunities for skills training, professional development, and mentoring in digital research tools and eResearch applications.
- Draw experience and inspiration from research programs and projects in other regions.
- Build communities of practice that foster and support collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and Vision Mātauranga approaches.
- Work collaboratively with mana whenua organisations to foster mutually beneficial contributions to the eResearch NZ programme.
eResearch NZ co-hosts
The eResearch NZ conference series is co-hosted by Genomics Aotearoa, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) and REANNZ.
Genomics Aotearoa
Genomics Aotearoa is an agile, leading-edge and collaborative platform, established to ensure that New Zealand is internationally participating and leading in the rapidly developing fields of genomics (the study of the genome, the complete set of genetic material present in a cell or organism) and bioinformatics (the development of methods and software tools for understanding the biological data derived from genomics).
It has established national collaborations in health, environment and primary production, and has funded projects across these three key research themes. The projects are underpinned by the development of a national genomics data repository and bioinformatics analytical platform, and by enabling and growing the skills and capability of researchers in New Zealand.
For more information, visit the Genomics Aotearoa website: https://www.genomics-aotearoa.org.nz/
New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)
Driven by the needs of researchers for high-performance productivity, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) designs, builds, and operates a specialised platform of shared high performance computing (HPC) infrastructure and a range of eResearch services. NeSI’s Collaborators – the University of Auckland, NIWA, the University of Otago, and Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research – play an essential role in this national platform by investing in the infrastructure, employing NeSI team members at their institutions, and enabling NeSI to connect with and respond to the evolving needs of research communities.
Together with the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE), NeSI and its Collaborators ensure computational research projects in New Zealand are backed by the power and support necessary to make them a reality.
For more information, visit the NeSI website: https://www.nesi.org.nz/
REANNZ provides a specialist network, tools and services that facilitate the transfer of data intensive research, both nationally and internationally. Its small, dedicated team supports member organisations from New Zealand’s Universities, Crown Research Institutes, Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics, Wānanga and the wider education, research, science and innovation (RSI) sector.
The team works closely with members to support their use of the network. As an active member of the international community made up of over 120 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), REANNZ provides the pathways and connections to global research partners that work with New Zealand’s scientists, researchers and academic institutions. REANNZ offers a range of services and products specifically designed to meet the needs of end users operating in these specialist environments.
For more information, visit the REANNZ website: https://www.reannz.co.nz/
Conference Co-Hosts:

In partnership with: