Speaker Preparation
Presentation Format
Presentations should be in a standard presentation format and compatible with Windows operating system. Web-based Prezi presentations are not recommended. Ideal screen aspect ratio is 16:10.
Presentation Upload
Presentations must be loaded into the room you are presenting in on the day of your presentation. Please ensure your presentation has been loaded at the room’s tech desk no later than 1 hour prior to the start of the session block. Individual laptops will not be permitted.
Audio Visual (AV)
Session rooms A and C will be equipped with standard presentation equipment – microphone, computer (Windows-based), projector, speakers. Wireless internet is available but it is not recommended for streaming videos. If you will be showing video during your talk, please advise the technician in the room.
Session room B, where Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are located, are not equipped with any presentation equipment.
Presentations will be recorded and provided for on-demand viewing and sharing via the conference YouTube channel following the event. The Birds-of-a-feather sessions will not be recorded.
Conference Theme
Our programme this year is built around a theme of New Horizons: Shaping the Digital Future of Research in Aotearoa and supported by four key pillars:
- Shaping new futures – Speakers from a range of disciplines showcasing researchers operating at the cutting edge of their field.
- Evolution of eResearch Infrastructure – Enablers / infrastructure work streams discussing the trends and/or showcasing how researchers are using developments in technology to further their research.
- Growing and supporting our people – Speakers from a range of disciplines focused on retaining and developing talent, and building communities of practice.
- Embedding Te Tiriti – Speakers exploring and celebrating what best practice looks like.
Conference Co-Hosts:

In partnership with: