Abstract Submissions

Our Call for Submissions is now closed. 

If you missed the submission deadline and want to inquire about options for a late contribution to the program, please email eresearchnconference@auckland.ac.nz

Submission deadline *extended* to midnight 18 November.



Our conference theme this year is New Horizons: Shaping the Digital Future of Research in Aotearoa and our Call for Submissions is built around four key pillars:

  • Shaping new futures – Speakers from a range of disciplines showcasing researchers operating at the cutting edge of their field. 
  • Evolution of eResearch Infrastructure – Enablers / infrastructure work streams discussing the trends and/or showcasing how researchers are using developments in technology to further their research.
  • Growing and supporting our people – Speakers from a range of disciplines focused on retaining and developing talent, and building communities of practice.
  • Embedding Te Tiriti – Speakers exploring and celebrating what best practice looks like.


Types of Submissions 

Type Session Length Details
Lightning Talk / Poster 5 minutes Lightning Talks or Posters are focused 5 minute presentations meant to “ignite” the audience on a subject, generate awareness, and to stimulate thought and action on the subject.
Oral Presentation 15 minutes Presentations should be ~15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes allocated for questions or follow-up discussion.
Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) 60 minutes BoFs are informal sessions, often used to start a conversation on a particular topic or gather like-minded people for community-building or knowledge-sharing.
Workshops ½ or full day Workshops are scheduled within the main programme unless otherwise requested to be a pre- or post-conference session.


  • We ask that all proposals reflect our conference’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion by including a mix of speakers in terms of gender, ethnicity, career stage, institutional affiliation, etc.
  • We reserve the right to accept your proposal under a different submission type than originally submitted. If any changes are expected, we will discuss them with you as part of the programme assembly process. 
  • Platinum and Gold sponsors have a designated speaking slot in the programme. Any other vendor submissions will be reviewed by the Programme Committee and accepted or declined at the discretion of the Committee to ensure a balanced programme.



Keep up to date with us!









Key Dates

Submissions open - 17 Oct
Submissions close - 11 November  *extended* to 18 Nov
Re-submissions with edits - 05 Dec
Early programme published - 09 Dec
Early Rird rates end  - 19 Jan
Registration close  - 03 Feb